ChannelCrawler Latest Updates: New Features and Improvements

ChannelCrawler Help Center


Welcome to the Release Notes page for ChannelCrawler! This page is designed to keep you, the user, informed about the latest site additions that enhance your search experience, capabilities, and speed. Major feature releases will be announced in our newsletter and on the insights page, but here, you'll find detailed information about all our updates and fixes. If you have a suggestion for a new feature or want to report a bug, please reach out to us here.

Latest User Enhancements

4. [2024-02-15]

Added usage stats

  • [Improvement]

    : Users now have the ability to see how many results they have seen on a daily and monthly basis. This means users know how many search results they have remaining, and can act accordingly.

3. [2024-01-17]

Search page update

  • [Improvement]

    : Users now have the ability to directly navigate to a specific results page number of their choice. Previously, users were limited to selecting only from the first 9 pages or the last page after conducting a search. This enhanced navigation feature is available to all users.

2. [2024-10-01]

Save Searches

  • [New Feature]

    : Users can now save their search criteria for future use. This eliminates the need to re-enter the same search parameters, as users can simply click on the saved search to view results immediately. Detailed instructions for this feature are available in the Help Center. This feature was initially made available to all subscribed users upon release.

1. [2024-01-01]

Social Media Filters

  • [New Feature]

    : We've introduced a filter option that allows users to find channels with specific types of social media handles. For example, users looking to connect with gamers who have a Discord profile can now apply a filter to find such channels easily. This feature was initially provided to Power users upon its release

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